Quick REMAP Video

    Treating Anxiety, Stress and PTSD with Quick REMAP
    These Quick REMAP videos are based on a presentation given by Steve B. Reed, LPC, LMSW, LMFT at the 2011, Anxiety Disorder Association of America annual conference.  These videos are related to the use of the Quick REMAP method for the treatment of anxiety, stress and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

     Quick REMAP Demonstration
    This video was filmed in 2008 at a REMAP Level 1 Workshop training event in Germany. It illustrates the use of the Quick REMAP process in the treatment of emotional features including grief, sadness and anger relating to a veterinarian mishandling putting a woman's dog to sleep.

    This live demonstration took place as a part of the workshop and modeled for the participants how Quick REMAP can be used in clinical practice.

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